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Document Scanning

Transforming your physical documents into digital formats

Scanning your company documents can enhance your record security, maximise space, and reduce your company’s carbon footprint. It’s the perfect solution for businesses that are looking for quick digital access to their records. We provide secure document scanning for a variety of sectors looking for a paper-light or completely paperless way of working.

Archive Vault offers large format and bulk services to meet the specialist needs of industries such as engineering, architecture and construction. Using our advanced equipment and OCR technology, we’ll collect your paper documents, convert them into a digital format, providing you with a comprehensive electronic inventory. Get in touch today to discuss how we can protect and preserve your records.

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Feel confident with our state of the art technology and expert handling

By converting your physical records into digital files, you can have 24/7 access to a more organised, comprehensive database on your network. There’s a variety of ways that this can help to form seamless working practices for your business.

Scanning Services

person looking through documents

Space Efficiency

Remove any unnecessary documents from the workplace and reinvest your space to facilitate growth and employee wellbeing.

Scanning Services

format scanner

Tailored Formatting

The scanning team will digitise all documents and images to the format you need. Whether you prefer JPEG, PDF or TIFF files, we’ll scan your documents to the required DPI (dots per inch) and resolution.

Scanning Services

employee looking at scanned documents on computer

Frequent Access

The team will index your digital archive to your specifications so you can easily access your documents by searching for relevant keywords. Any record you need is available with the touch of a button.

Scanning Services

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Flexible Timescales

We offer flexible timescales tailored to your needs, whether your project spans several weeks or a few months. If an urgent project arises, no problem. We are able to meet tight deadlines efficiently.

Scanning Services

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Enhanced Disaster Recovery

Create duplicates of your important documents with digital back-up files. A hard copy can be retained in secure offsite storage for extra safe keeping and business continuity.

Scanning Services

employee scanning files

OCR Technology

Our Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software enables you to search your documents quickly using relevant keywords, making it easier to find the information you’re looking for.

employee format scanning
employee scanning and archiving documents
warehouse employee locating document boxes

Large format scanning

We use specialist equipment to scan up to size A0 documents with exceptional resolution. Whether you need to scan a survey, blueprint, map, or manuscript, Archive-Vault can convert large format documents into a digital format that’s easier to view, share, and amend, without compromising on original quality. No matter the size, scanning can be used to preserve oversized documents and protect from physical wear and tear.

Digital mailroom service

Our digital mailroom service transforms your incoming mail into secure, searchable digital files, providing real-time access and seamless automated sorting. Say goodbye to manual handling and lower your carbon footprint, all while streamlining operations and embracing a fully paperless solution. Ideal for remote businesses and corporations, this service ensures your team stays connected and productive from anywhere.

Retain, return or securely destroy

We can provide tailored solutions for your document lifecycle. Once your scanning project is complete, we can store the original copies, securely destroy, or return them to you.

When it comes to confidential document destruction, rest assured that we’ll follow guidance in line with EN15173 standards.

employee preparing and scanning documents

Ready to digitise your paperwork?

  • Once your documents have been received and processed, our expert team will prepare them with care. Preparation includes the removal of staples and any other foreign objects, corners are unfolded and post-it notes are moved to blank pages. Using our market leading equipment, we will transform your hard copy documents into high-quality digital files.
  • Your scanned items will be exported onto an encrypted media drive. Original copies can be returned, stored or destroyed.

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about our services, browse our FAQs below. Please get in touch with any further questions or for a chat about our secure document scanning solutions.

Let’s talk about your records

Send your enquiry using our quick quote form, and a member of our team will aim to get back to you within 24 hours.

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